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Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN)
∙ Record and manage scientific data, experiments, observations, and research-related information.
∙ Manage Inventory and Storage
∙ Manage samples in storage units, such as LN2
∙ Compliance
∙ Team Collaboration
Product Features
∙ Project and lab data management
∙ Organize Projects and Experiments
∙ Manage accounts, teams and projects
∙ Capture experiment data into documents, spreadsheets, and tables
∙ Import files and add attachments to experiments
∙ Store all data in searchable data repository
∙ View data from multiple device forms such as tablets and mobile
∙ Design Protocol Templates
∙ Manage inventory, samples and equipment storage
∙ Simple and rapid configuration
∙ Promote collaboration and share data on projects and experiments
∙ Easily search for specific data, complete data accessibility
∙ Simple Data Analysis Integration allowing for importing external data to visualize and analyse
∙ Sample Management
∙ Secure sensitive data
∙ Full Data integrity
∙ Complete Regulatory compliance
∙ Full audit trail
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